Technical conditions of the warranty

1. The device must be used under the conditions of observance of the guidelines, given in the manual and the currently valid regulations, concerning fire protection and occupational health and safety, in particular:

  • Announcement of the Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland of 20 January 2017 on the announcement of the uniform text of the Energy Law Act Dz. U. 2017 item 220
  • Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 16 June 2003 (Dz. U. 2003. No. 121, than 1138; on fire protection of buildings, other construction objects and areas.
  • Announcement of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of 17 July 2015 on the announcement of the consolidated text of the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure on technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location Dz. U. 2015 item 1422

General conditions of the warranty

  1. LIBRA Katarzyna Brzezińska-Woźniak, hereinafter referred to as the Manufacturer provides a warranty to the Purchaser for a period of 12 months from the date of delivery of the device.
  2. The purchaser acquires the warranty subject to full payment in accordance with the contract concluded with the Manufacturer.

  3. The manufacturer recognises under the warranty defects arising from its fault, i.e.
  • defects resulting from failure to meet the conditions set out by Polish Standards
  • defects resulting from the use of raw materials of improper quality
  • defects occurring during the technological process
  • defects resulting in the device not achieving the parameters specified in the agreement concluded between the manufacturer and the buyer.
  • defects resulting from improper installation of the device by the manufacturer.
  1. The warranty is not valid if the provisions of this Warranty Card or the provisions of the Manual are not complied with, or if the User interferes with the construction of the device.

  2. The guarantee does not cover:
  • damage caused by operation of the appliance contrary to the Manual
  • colour changes occurring during operation
  • damage caused by operating the appliance in conditions inconsistent with the manufacturer's recommendations.
  1. A complaint should be filed no later than 3 days from the moment of occurrence of the defect. Claims made after the lapse of 3 days from the moment of occurrence of the defect shall result in negative consideration.
  2. Complaints may be filed as follows:
  • by e-mail sent to
  • by traditional mail to the address Towarowa 2 Street, Skarżysko-Kamienna 26-110 Poland
  • in person at the Producer's premises
  1. Complaints notified in the manner specified in points. 6. a) and 6. b) should include at least:
  • date of complaint notification
  • data of the notifying entity (name, address, contact phone number)
  • description of the defect that occurred
  1. The complainant is obliged to check whether the defect was not caused by inappropriate use of the device as specified in its Manual.
  2. The manufacturer undertakes to respond to the complaint, i.e. to consider the complaint within 48 hours of its receipt.
  3. The manufacturer will remove any faults or defects revealed during the warranty period within 14 working days from the date of complaint.
  4. The guarantee repairs do not include operating activities provided for in the manual that are the responsibility of the user.
  5. The Manufacturer bears liability under the warranty according to the principles set out in the Civil Code.
  6. In matters not covered by this Warranty Card, the relevant provisions of the contract concluded between the Manufacturer and the Buyer (Purchaser) shall apply.